A trip to South Africa had been on the radar for quite a while. Whilst we originally planned to visit the Western Cape the lure of Big Mammals proved too strong. We eventually ended up spending 9 nights in the Cape Town area before flying to Johannesburg for a further 4 nights in Kruger National Park.
Priority number one was to get out on a Pelagic from Simonstown and we arranged out trip early on in the stay to give us another shot if the wind was too strong. Fortunately we had great weather during the early days of the trip and our Pelagic ran to schedule. We were lucky enough to find eight Trawlers and the sheer number of Seabirds will live in the memory for many years!
We were not so lucky with our planned Shark diving trip out of Gansbaai as following our pelagic we encountered several days of strong winds and heavy rain. This did however enable us to squeeze in some extra birding in the De Hoop area.
We resisted the temptation to hire a guide during our trip and armed with a copy of SASOL South African Birdfinder and a host of trip reports we managed to see a good selection of endemics. With only ten days around the Cape and plenty of time taking photos and Whale watching we naturally missed a few things, but overall we crammed in a good selection of Western Cape endemics.
Fiscal Shrike
Black Oystercatcher
In Kruger our main priority were mammals although we still managed to see good numbers of birds as we drove around the National Park.Crowned Cormorant
Checking trip reports prior to our visit, it appeared that Noordhoek was a popular base for a number of Bird tour companies and for our time in the Cape Town area we decided to base ourselves here. We stayed in a self catering annex at http://www.enchantedgarden.co.za/ which we thoroughly recommend.
During the Kruger leg of our trip we stayed athttp://www.bucklersafrica.co.za/ near Komatipoort.
Our rooms overlooked the Crocodile River and offered some excellent opportunities for mammal watching along with quick and easy access to Kruger National Park via the southern Crocodile Gate entrance.
Other accommodation used was Ceres Inn www.ceres.org.za/ceresinn.htm
De Hoop NR- http://www.buchu-bushcamp.com/ within a few miles of park entrance,so ideally placed.
Gansbaai http://www.gansbaybackpackers.com/ booked as part of a Shark dive package but our trip was cancelled due to strong winds.
No Visas required for UK nationals to enter South Africa and we were through passport control in minutes.In the main we cooked for ourselves and the supermarkets in Noordhoek and Komatipoort Catered for our needs. On the couple of occasions we chose to eat out we had little problem in finding a reasonably priced meal.
No need for Antimalarial around Cape Town although we took Malarone whilst in Kruger. However with little recent rain there were no Mosquito's to be seen anyway. Cash points were widely available and whilst electric fences and armed response signs were common in many areas we encountered no problems throughout the trip in terms of personal security.
Daily Itinerary
Thursday 10th September
After an uneventful overnight flight from Heathrow we arrived in Cape Town at 9.30 local time. First bird of the trip was a Pied Crow from the terminal buildings and with no waiver forms to fill in and a quick stamp of the passport, we had probably our fastest ever passage through customs.
First stop was our accommodation for the next week at The Enchanted Gardens in Noordhoek. After getting rid of the luggage we headed off to Kommetjie for our first proper birding of the trip. Although the tide was out , we nevertheless had some great views of Swift Tern and Spotted Thick-knee but failed to find any Bank Cormorants amongst the Crowned and Cape Cormorants, Karoo Prinia helped to get the endemic list going and with the weather quite pleasant we headed off down the coast along Lighthouse Road. We managed to find both White Fronted and Kittlitz,s Plover along some small sandy beaches, whilst in nearby scrub, Grey-backed Cisticola, Bokmakierie and Cape Robin Chat were all on show,. With a weather front moving in off the sea we caught site of a few distant seabirds but they would have to wait until our pelagic on Saturday.
Spotted thick-knee
Karoo Prinia
Crowned Cormorant
White- breasted Cormorant
Friday 11th September
With the weather holding up, things were looking up for our pelagic tomorrow.
Meanwhile, today we visited Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens entering via the Rycroft Gate off Klassens Road. We spent several hours working the upper reaches of the park before eventually stopping for lunch down at the restaurant area. Highlight was great views of several Cape Sugarbirds. The supporting cast also included Cape and forest Canaries, African Harrier Hawk and Southern Boubou. We struggled however to find the roost tree for Spotted Eagle Owl, only to eventually find out that workmen had actually cut it down that morning! The Owl was now roosting in grass close to the path and we were able to obtain brief views of it.
Leaving Kirstenbosch mid afternoon we headed down to Strandfontaine Sewage Works. As to be expected waterbirds were plentiful although waders were low in number.Several hours traversing the numerous tracks running along side the various pools produced hundreds of Flamingos, African Marsh Harrier, Lesser Swamp Warbler and Southern Masked Weaver. It also gave our duck list a real boost with Southern Pochard, Maccoa Duck, White Backed Duck, Hottentot Teal, Cape Teal and Cape Shoveler, along with hundreds of Black necked Grebes.
Serrated Hinged Terrapin
Cape Sugar Bird

Forest Canary
Southern Pochard
Cape Shoveler
Strandfontaine Sewage Works
Saturday 12th September
Up at the crack of dawn today for the most eagerly awaited day of the trip, our pelagic out of Simonstown. With poor weather forecast after today we were relieved to be able to get out , and it started well with Humpback, Southern Right and Bryde`s Whales before we had even left False Bay. As we passed the Cape Light House a group of Common Dolphins, presumably Long-beaked also swam alongside our boat.
Heading south in search of Trawlers we were soon joined by a few White-chinned Petrels. It was not too long before we had our first Shy Albatross beside the boat. Fortunately, our luck was in and some 20+ miles south we located eight Trawlers. The next couple of hours were nothing short of phenomenal, with birds absolutely everywhere around every Trawler. Pintado Petrels numbered in excess of 10,000 birds, whilst the expected Shy and Black Browed Albatross were joined by a single Northern Royal and 2 Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatrosses. We also had to be quick to catch an Atlantic Fulmar Shearing past the boat. Other birds of note included more familiar friends such as Great and Sooty Shearwaters and hundreds of Wilsons Petrels.
Heading back too Simonstown we stopped briefly off the Cape Lighthouse to watch several more Humpback Whales. Back on dry land (phew!) we made the short distance down the coast to Boulders for some sedate photograph opportunity with African Penguin. Final stop of the day was a return to Simonstown and the Salty Sea Dog fish & chip shop - highly recommended!
Long beaked Common Dolphin
Cape Gannet
Black browed Albatross
White-chinned Petrel and Pintado Petrel
Southern Giant PetrelHumpback Whale
Shy Albatross
White chinned Petrel
African Penguin
Sunday 13th September
In contrast to yesterday, the weather this morning was awful with strong winds and heavy rain. We decided to head up the West Coast in the hope that the weather would clear but by the time we got to Yzerfontein the rain was still persistent and the hope of seeing Heavisides Dolphin were dashed. A Black Harrier seen from the car was frustratingly brief and we decided to bird the Darling Wildflower route from the car. We soon encountered the first 2 Blue Cranes of the trip, whilst nearby fields held Yellow and Northern Red Bishops, Cloud Cisticola and African Pipit. Persisting with a mystery calling bird close to the car paid off when a Southern Black Korhaan popped up. whilst we could not find any Cape Clapper Larks, we did catch up with Red-capped and large-Billed Larks, Cape Longclaw and Mountain Wheatear. We also came across a solitary Bontebok. Finally late in the afternoon we headed off on the long drive to Ceres where we booked into the Ceres Inn, in preparation for some proper Karoo birding tomorrow.
Blue Crane
Monday14th September
It took us about an hour to get from Ceres to our first stop of the day at Karooport. Initial birds in the half light were Chestnut-vented Tit -Babbler and Karoo Scrub Robin, along with an African Reed Warbler. Our main target bird, Namaqua Warbler soon gave itself up a little further up the road whilst after yesterdays brief sighting, We finally got prolonged views of a Black Harrier. A bird of prey on a telegraph pole turned out to be the first of several Pale Chanting Goshawks and in the nearby scrub we soon got to grips with Karoo Larks. Proceeding up the road towards Eierkop we stopped at regular intervals for Cape Sheduck, Pale-winged Starling,Yellow, White-throated & Black throated Canaries and also Karoo Chat. However, a prolonged period in the scrub around the hill itself could not produce any Karoo Eremomelas.
Reaching the picnic area at Skitterykloof no amount of playback could produce any Cinnamon-breasted Warblers although we did see Fairy flycatcher. On the way back we bumped into some fellow Brits and their guide and a quick stop to chat to them gave us Southern Ant-eater Chat and great views of Large-billed Lark. Armed with a new site for Cinnamon-breasted Warbler some way back down the road we managed to squeeze in a final half hour before dark. Failing again we had to be content with Laynard,s Tit-Babbler before setting off on the 3 hour drive back to Noordhoek.
Large-billed Lark
The Karoo
Tuesday 15th September
After failing to see any Orange-breasted Sunbirds at Kistenbosch (not there yet apparently) we started the day at Silvermine Nature Reserve. It did not take much time to find our target and other birds included Cape Sugarbird and some great views of Cape Grassbird. Next stop was the Constantia Greenbelts to try for Knysnia Warbler at Del Hel. However, the windy conditions did not help and we had no joy here or at Hohenhort Avenue. We spent the afternoon at the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve where the birding continued to be slow in strong winds. Orange-breasted & Malachite Sunbirds, Cape Sugarbird and Cape Bunting all showed well along with Red Winged Starling which were very tame around the restaurant areas otherwise the highlight was posing for the obligatory group photo at the Cape of Good Hope.. Finally with birds few and far between , we decided to head back to Simonstown for another visit to the Salty Sea Dog fish and chip shop.
Red Winged Starling
Malachite Sunbird
Orange breasted Sunbird
Cape Grassbird
Wednesday 16th September
Our plans for an early start and another try for Knysna Warbler were cut short by a torrential down poor.
Cutting our losses we headed for Sir Lowry`s Pass and ended up spending an hour in Cape Towns rush hour traffic.
Shortly after arriving we had great views of another endemic target, Victorin`s Warbler. However, our search for Cape Rock Jumper was cut short when mist and heavy rain rolled in. With zero visibility we got absolutely drenched and had to dice with death trying to cross back over the N2 to get to our car. So it was plan B and we moved off to the coast and Rooi Els, where fortunately the weather was much brighter.
We spent the afternoon trying to nail Cape Rock Jumper and 2 miles from our original parking spot and 4 hours later we finally succeeded just as we were about to give up.
In the interim period we had managed to catch up with several more sought after endemics such as Ground Woodpecker and Cape Siskin. Fiscal Flycatcher was also a nice addition and having just about dried out. Our final birding stop of the day was at the African Penguin colony at Betty`s Bay. We also found time for a quick stop at Hermanus where several Southern Right Whales were loafing around in the surf just off shore. Upon arriving at the Backpackers Hostel in Gansbaii we were greeted with the news that tomorrow`s planned White Shark diving trip had been cancelled due to strong winds, so it was off to a nearby pub for a bite to eat and discuss alternative plans.
Southern Black Flycatcher
Southern Right Whale
Cape SiskinGround Woodpecker
Cape Rockjumpers
Rock Hyrax
Victorin`s Warbler
Sombre Greenbul
Hadada Ibis
Thursday 17th September
With our shark dive cancelled, we headed down to Struisbaii Plaat to check for Terns. As at Hermanus there were 10+ Southern Right Whales close in shore but no sign of any Damara Terns, presumably a little too early for the breeding colony. Once again, strong winds and heavy showers hampered the birding.
Heading on to De Mond plenty of roadside stops produced several Denim`s Bustards, lots of Red Capped Larks, Capped Wheatears, Crowned Plovers and Blue Cranes. At the actual reserve both Cape Weaver and Southern Boubou gave excellent photo opportunities in the car park. A walk out to the river mouth, somewhat paid off when a feeding Damara Tern swept into view. Other birds included Caspian Tern and Spotted Thick-knee.
Leaving mid afternoon for De Hoop our progress was again slow as we stopped at regular intervals to view birds in the rolling farmland. A pair of Aghaus long-billed Larks on roadside posts were very welcome as were closer views of Denim`s Bustards and Large-billed Larks.
By the time we arrived at our accommodation for the night, at Buchu Bush Camp, it was too late to enter the actual reserve, so we settled for a quick walk around the chalets obtaining further views of Orange-breasted Sunbird and Cape Sugarbirds.
Struisbaai Plaat
Buchu Bush Camp
Cape Weaver
Jackal Buzzard with Cape Mole Rat
Southern BoubouCapped Wheatear
Olive Thrush
Cape Bulbul
Southern Right Whale
Friday 18th September
A kick around before breakfast turned up the hoped for Southern Tchagra. Moving on to the De Hoop reserve some birding on foot around the campsite area ended up with a rather tame Ostrich following us around for the best part of 2 hours. Plenty of White Pelicans drifted around whilst a scan along the shoreline produced some Cape Mountain Zebras. In the scrub, we encountered some White-throated Canaries and Bar-throated Apalis but could not tempt Knysna Woodpecker into view. A displaying Lark turned out to be an Agulhas Clapper Lark, another sought after endemic. Next stop after that was Potberg Mountain for the pretty much guaranteed Cape Vultures. The only other birds of note were African Hoopoe and a calling Lesser Honeyguide.
Our tactic of stopping and scanning every couple of miles along the gravel road between Ouplas and Swellendam finally paid off when we spotted two distant Korhaans on top of a ridge. The black throat of the male confirmed we had secured another target, Karoo Korhaan.
After reaching Swellendam. the next roadside stop enroute to Grootvadersbosch Nr was for a Giant Kingfisher. Grootvadersbosch itself was very quiet for the short time we were there. Not surprising given the time of day. The best we could muster was Cape Batis, African Olive Pigeon and our only new bird, Greater Double Collared Sunbird. From here it was a two hour plus drive back to Cape Town international Airport.
Bar Throated Apalis
Purple HeronCape Weaver
Black Headed Heron
Yellow Bishop
Giant Kingfisher
African HoopoeSaturday 19th September
Very much a travel day today with a 6.20 am flight from Cape Town to Johannesburg. After collecting our Nissan X-Trail we were soon on the long drive to Komatipoort and our base for the next 4 nights Bucklers Africa. Situated near the Mozambique border, we were well placed for the next few days searching for big game in Kruger National Park.
With our rooms over looking the Crocodile River, we quickly spotted several Elephants, although we certainly hoped for better views once in the National Park. After heading back into Komatipoort for some supplies, a quick look around the garden before it got dark produced Bronze Mannakin, African Paradise Flycatcher and Natal Francolin.
Marico Sunbird
African Green Pigeon
Sunday 20th September
Our earliest start of the trip today to ensure we were at the Crocodile Bridge entrance in time for the 6am opening. After paying the 160 Rand per person entrance fee we headed into the park and took the first gravel road off to the right. With cloud cover all day bird activity lasted longer than expected and a steady stream of new birds followed. Highlights included Grey Go-away Bird, Crested Francolin, Double Banded Sandgrouse, Green- winged Pytilla, Red & Yellow billed Hornbills and our first proper Ostrich of the trip. We also had numerous Magpie Shrikes, a pattern that continued for the next couple of days.
It was not too long before we had achieved excellent close views of Elephant, White Rhino and Giraffe. Not being able to get out of the car whilst in the park can be a bit of a pain, so when the opportunity came to stretch our legs at Nhlambanyati Viewing Area we were out in a flash. Although the area in front of the hide was dry we had superb views of a showy Crested Barbet. Other birds from the hide included Sulphur Breasted Bush-Shrike, Jameson`s Firefinch, Yellow-throated Canary, White-throated Robin-Chat, Brown Hooded Kingfisher, Black backed Puffback and Brown Headed Parrot.
The steady stream of new birds was cut short when a fellow visitor informed us that he had just left a Leopard sat in a tree several kms down the road. A long line of stationary vehicles indicated the correct location and as we approached it was easy enough to spot this magnificent Cat draped across one of the lower branches. After 20 minutes of inactivity the Leopard eventually dropped out of the tree and made its way through the bush. In the melee that followed, we gambled in positioning our car ahead of the crowd and were rewarded with stunning views when the Leopard turned and walked directly toward our car. Fabulous stuff!
On a high we headed to lower Sabie for lunch before heading over Sunset Dam, where Black Crake, Yellow billed Stork, African Jacana and Water Thick-Knee were all on view.
The route up to Mlondozi Picnic Area gave great views of Zebra and Elephant, whilst birds included African Wattled Lapwing and Burchell`s Coucal.
Lower Sabie Rest Area
Black-faced Vervet Monkey
White-Throated Swallow
Crested Barbet
Brown-hooded Kingfisher
Monday 21st September
Much hotter day today 30+ centigrade. During our drive into the park this morning we stopped to watch a small group of Lions, well hidden in the scrub it was just about possible to make out 2 females. After a few minutes the group got up and moved off through the bush and were soon lost to view, although the alarm calls from a troop of Baboons indicated that they were not too far away. From here we moved to a roadside Lion kill. The large group of lurking Cape and Hooded Vultures and several Jackals indicated the correct spot. After stopping our car, it was just about possible to make out the two Lions guarding the long dead Giraffe. They seemed well settled until 2 Bull Elephants decided to investigate the scene, forcing them and eventually us to move out of the way. A stop a short way down the road for some close Hyenas was short lived as we received a tip off that a few kms away there was a group of Wild Dogs resting at a dried up waterhole. Some fifteen minutes later we were enjoying great views of one of Kruger`s most sought after Mammals. However, thanks to a safari guide and his radio the place was soon crawling with safari jeeps and cars, so it was time to beat a hasty retreat to Lower Sabie for lunch, where we took a few hours out during the heat of the day.
New birds during our final session of the day included African Grey Hornbill,Goliath Heron and several Kori Bustards. A stop on the way to photograph a sleeping Hyena at the side of the road produced the final excitement of the day when a group of 5 Southern Ground Hornbills appeared on the road, right in front of the car.
Sabota Lark
Wild Dog
Spotted Hyena
HammerkopDouble-banded Sandgrouse
Tuesday 22nd September
Thankfully it was much cooler today and consequently there was much more bird activity. We managed to bump into a nice feeding flock of birds early on, although not being able to get out of the car was somewhat frustrating. New birds included Bennett`s & Cardinal Woodpeckers, Burnt-necked Eremomela, Grey-Tit Flycatcher and Southern White-crowned Shrike, other additions later in the day included Green Wood Hoopoe, Common Scimitarbill, Martial Eagle and Lappet-faced Vulture. However the best part of the afternoon was spent near Lower Sabie, making the most of some photo opportunities with a pair of Cheetahs sat yards from the car, well once we could get into position given the scrum of vehicles!
Chinspot Batis
Wednesday 23rd September
A final visit into the park this morning failed to produce any big cats although we did succeed in finding a few new trip birds. Grey Penduline Tit, Red-crested Bustard, Red-billed Buffalo Weaver, Green-capped Eremomola and Red faced Cisticola helped to boost our overall trip total.
Leaving Kruger at midday, it was a long 6 hour journey back to Johannesburg, where we just about managed to follow the road signs to the airport against a low evening sun.
Water Thick-Knee
Black backed JackalWarthog
Systematic list
The list below follows the sequence, nomenclature and taxonomy of SASOL Birds of South Africa.
African Penguin Visits to colonies at Boulder`s Beach and Betty`s Bay gave excellent Views.
Great Crested Grebe 2 Standfontaine sewage works 15 De Hoop
Black Necked Grebe 150+ Strandfontaine Sewage Works
Little Grebe 20 Strandfontaine
Northern Royal Albatross Single bird during pelagic
shy Albatross Not as numerous as Black-browed but some great close range views also singles from land.
Black-browed Albatross Fabulous views of hundreds of birds on pelagic.
Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross 2 on pelagic
Southern Giant Petrel 7 birds around trawlers, included at least 1 white adult
Northern Giant Petrel At least 2 around trawlers
White-chinned Petrel Hundreds seen on pelagic
Sooty Shearwater Several hundred seen
Great Shearwater 3 birds seen on pelagic
Southern Fulmar Just a single bird that whizzed past the boat
Pintado Petrel The phenomenal sight of 10,000+ around trawlers, birds everywhere
Wilson`s Storm Petrel Hundreds during pelagic
Cape Gannet Very common seen also from land
Reed Cormorant Regular sightings on inland waters
Crowned Cormorant Easily seen at Kommetji beach
African Darter Seen on 5 dates with 6 on 18th
Great-White Pelican 20+ during a trip to West Coast with 15 at De Hoop
Goliath Heron " in Kruger
Purple Heron Singles en route to De Hoop and in Kruger
Grey Heron seen on 7 dates
Black-headed Heron 10 on the 11th
Little Egret Small numbers seen
Cattle Egret Common
Green-backed Heron 2 in Kruger
Yellow-billed Stork Seen only in Kruger, max. 20 on 20th
Saddle-billed Stork Singles in Kruger on 3 dates
African Openbill Stork 1 sighting in Kruger
Greater Flamingo 200+ Strandfontaine
African Spoonbill Only seen in De Hoop with 3 on 18th
Hammerkop Just 1 in Kruger
Hadada Ibis Common throughout trip
Glossy Ibis Single at Strandfontaine
African Sacred Ibis Common around the Cape
Spur-winged Goose Small numbers seen
South African-Shelduck 6 near Karooport
Egyptian Goose Common
White-faced Whistling Duck 7 at Kruger
White-backed Duck 5 at Strandfontaine
Southern Pochard at least 100 at Strandfontaine
Maccoa Duck 10 Strandfontaine
Yellow-billed Duck seen on 6 dates
Cape Shoveler max count 25 Strandfontaine
Cape Teal 20+ Strandfontaine
Red-billed Teal 2 on 10th 7 on 11th 1 on 13th
Hottentot Teal 1 at Strandfontaine
Lappet-faced Vulture 1 sat in tree close to the road in Kruger
White-backed Vulture Single in Kruger
Hooded Vulture 4 birds seen around a Lion kill in Kruger
African Fish Eagle Great views in Kruger Max 6on 20th
Bateleur Small numbers in Kruger
Brown Snake Eagle Singles in Kruger on 2 dates
Tawny Eagle In Kruger 1 on 20th with 2 on 23rd
Martial Eagle Great views of a bird flying over the car in Kruger
Verreaux`s Eagle 1 in the Karoo and 1 en route to Kruger
Booted Eagle Single bird in the Karoo
Jackal Buzzard Regular around the Cape
Wahlberg`s Eagle Small numbers in Kruger
Steppe Buzzard 3 0n 11th 1 on 17th
African Harrier Hawk First seen at Kirstenbosch thereafter seen on 3 further dates
African Marsh Harrier Single at Strandfontaine
Black Harrier Excellent views of this sought after bird seen Yzerfontaine, 2 Karooport, and De Hoop
Southern pale Chanting Goshawk 3 birds on telegraph poles in the Karoo
Yellow-billed Kite Max count of 6 on 17th
Black shouldered Kite seen on 6 dates
Gabar Goshawk 1 in Kruger
African Goshawk 1 in Strandfontaine
Lanner Falcon Single hunting over farmland near De Hoop
Peregrine 1 at Cape of Good Hope
Rock kestrel common around the Cape
Swainson`s Francolin seen in Kruger, max 4 on 22nd
Natal Francolin small numbers in Kruger
Grey-winged Francolin 2 birds in De Hoop
Helmeted Guineafowl Numerous throughout
Crested Guineafowl 2 in Kruger
Cape Francolin regular around Cape
Ostrich 2 Birds in Kruger
Red-knobbed Coot seen on 4 dates with 200+ at Strandfontaine
Common Moorhen max 8 Strandfontaine
Black Crake Excellent views in Kruger
African Jacana Common in Kruger
Blue Crane Particularly numerous in farmland near De Hoop
Secretary Bird brief views in Kruger before we had to leave in search of Wild Dog
Denham`s Bustard 8 seen in farmland near De Hoop
Kori Bustard 3 in Kruger
Karoo Korhaan 2 distant birds between De Hoop and Swellandam
Southern Black Korhaan 2 along the Darling Wildflower route
African Black Oystercatcher regular in the Western Cape
Black winged Stilt seen on 7 dates
Pied Avocet seen on 3 dates
Three-banded Plover seen near Karooport and Kruger with 4 on 20th
Kittlitz`s Plover 8 near lighthouse at Kommetjie, 1 at Yzerfontaine and 3 near Karooport
White-fronted Plover 20 in the Kommetjie area and 3 in Kruger
Crowned Lapwing Common in farmland around De Hoop max 50 17th
African Wattled Lapwing 6 in Kruger 20th
Blacksmith Lapwing Common
Common Sandpiper A few birds in Kruger
Green Sandpiper 2 birds in Kruger
Wood Sandpiper 4 in Kruger
Common Greenshank 1 Karooport, 2 De Mond and 1 in Kruger
Marsh Sandpiper Single in Kruger
Whimbrel Singles at Kommetjie and De Mond
African Snipe 2 in wet field on the Darling Wildflower Route
Spotted Thick-Knee Seen in Kruger with 10 on 19th
Subantarctic Skua Great views on our pelagic, also 1 on Cape of Good Hope and 2 Betty`s Bay
Arctic Skua 2 at Kommetjie
Cape Gull Common along coast
Caspian Tern 1 De Mond 10 following day at De Hoop
Grey Headed Gull a few birds on our drive back to Johannesburg
Hartlaub`s Gull Common around the Western Cape
Swift Tern Fairly common around Cape Town Coastal area
Sandwich Tern 3 Kommetjie
Common Tern 1 on pelagic 10 at Yzerfontaine
Whiskered Tern 1 between Johannesburg and Kruger
Double-banded Sandgrouse 1 Kruger 20th and 2 on 22nd
Speckled Pigeon Very common around Cape Town
African Olive Pigeon A single bird at Kirstenbosch and 4 at Grootvadersbosch
Red-eyed Dove Seen on 5 dates
Cape Turtle Dove regular sightings
Laughing Dove regular sightings
African Green Pigeon Kruger max 6 on 20th
Emerald-spotted wood Dove Common in Kruger
Namaqua Dove 7 Darling Wildflower Route 1 Karoo port
Brown-headed Parrot Small numbers in Kruger
Grey go-away-bird Common in Kruger
Burchell`s Coucal seen daily in Kruger
Spotted Eagle owl 1 in Kirstenbosch and another flushed from roadside trees near De Hoop
Cape Eagle Owl a calling bird in Noordhoek
Barn Owl singles in Kruger at Lower Sabie Rest Area
Alpine Swift seen on 4 dares with a max of 20 De Hoop
African Black Swift 20 at Yzerfontaine, 5 near Karooport and several at De Hoop
Little Swift common in Kruger
White-rumped Swift seen on 8 dates though more numerous in Kruger
African Palm Swift Common in Kruger
Red-faced Mousebird 5 birds in Kruger
Speckled Mousebird seen on 8 dates
White-backed Mousebird 2 Darling Wildflower Route an 2 at Karooport
Giant Kingfisher 1 De Hoop 1 Kruger
Pied Kingfisher Seen on 8 dates
Brown-hooded Kingfisher Several birds in Kruger
White-fronted Bee-eater single in Kruger
Lilac-breasted Roller Common in Kruger
Purple Roller 3 birds in Kruger on 22nd 2 the following day
Southern Ground Hornbill superb views on the way out at dusk in Kruger
African Grey Hornbill a few in Kruger
Southern yellow-billed Hornbill Common in Kruger
Red-billed Hornbill common in Kruger
Green wood-hoopoe 3 in Kruger on 22nd and 7 on 23rd
Common Scimitarbill Just 1 in Kruger
African Hoopoe 1 bird feeding on lawn at Potberg mountain
Greater Honeyguide 1 in Karooport
Lesser Honeyguide 1 at Potberg and 1 in Kruger
Black-collared Barbet areal corker with 3 in Kruger on 22nd and another there the following day
Crested Barbet a very showy bird at Nhlambanyati viewing area in Kruger
Fork-tailed Drongo small numbers in De Hoop. Common in Kruger
White-necked Raven seen on 6 dates
Pied Crow Common
Cape Crow Fairly common around farmland in Dehoop and Swellandam
Southern Grey Tit 2 at Karooport
Southern Black tit fairly common in Kruger
Arrow-markede Babbler several groups in Kruger
Cape Bulbul common in the Western Cape area
Dark-capped Bulbul common in Kruger
Sombre Greenbul first seen in Kommetjie, 5 birds in Kirstenbosch and 3 at Potberg
Cape Wagtail common in the Cape Town area
Olive Thrush small numbers in Cape Town area
Kurrichane Thrush a confiding bird in the grounds of our lodge in Kruger
Cape Rock-thrush 3 at Rooi Els
Cape Rock-jumper after considerable effort we eventually had great views of a pair in Rooi Els
Familiar Chat Regular sightings in the Western Cape
Karoo Chat 7 at Karooport
Mountain Wheatear 1 Darling Wildflower Route
Capped Wheatear common along farmland fences along Darling and De Hoop areas
African (common) Stonechat 3 along the Darling Wildflower Route 3 Buchu Bush Camp
Southern ant-eating-Chat 1 at Karooport
Cape Robin-Chat common paricularly Kirstenbosch
White-throated Robin-Chat several in Kruger
White-browed-scrub Robin a few sightings in Kruger
Karoo Scrub Robin 4 at Karooport
Burnt-necked Eremomela 2 birds in Kruger
Green-capped Eremomela 2 in Kruger
Yellow-bellied Eremomela 2 Karooport 3 in Kruger
Grey Penduline Tit 1 Kruger
Victorin`s Warbler Excellent views of a singing bird at Sir Lowry`s Pass
Lesser- Swamp Warbler 5 at Strandfontaine sewage works
African Reed Warbler 1 at Karooport
Cape Grassbird Seen on 4 dates with great views at Silvermine
Green-backed Cameroptera 1 at Kruger
Fairy Flycatcher 2 birds at Karooport
Layard`s Tit Babbler 2 at Karooport
Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler 2 at Karooport
Long-billed Crombec fairly common in Kruger
Yellow-breasted Apalis 1 at Kruger
Bar-throated Apalis up to 7 birds at De Hoop
Cloud Cisticola Single bird on the Darling Wildflower Route
Grey-backed Cisticola Seen on 4 dates, max 6 at Karooport
Croaking Cisticola 1 in Kruger
Rattling Cisticola Regular in Kruger
Levaillant`s Cisticola Excellent views at Strandfontaine
Red-faced Cisticola 1 at Kruger
Namaqua Warbler A single at Karooport
Karoo Prinia common throughout
Tawny-flanked Prinia Common in Kruger
African Dusky Flycatcher Good views in Kirstenbosch and Grootvadersbosch
Grey-tit Flycatcher 2 in Kruger
Southern Black Flycatcher several birds in the grounds of our lodge at Kruger
Fiscal Flycatcher seen at Rooi Els and several more at De Hoop area
African Paradise Flycatcher seen in Kruger on 3 dates
Cape White-eye seen on 6 dates
Cape Batis seen at Kirstenbosch,Constantia Greenbelt and Grootvadersbosch
Chinspot Batis Regular in Kruger
African Pied Wagtail common in Kruger
African (grassland ) Pipit Fairly common in farmland around Western Cape
Plain-backed Pipit 1 along Darling Wildflower Route
Cape Longclaw 3 Eeast of Darling 1 near Karooport
Orange-breasted Sunbird common at Silvermine, De Hoop and Rooi Els
Common Fiscal Regular
Magpie Shrike Common in Kruger
Black-crowned Tchagra 5 in Kruger
Southern Boubou seen on 4 dates
Black-crowned Tchagra 1 in Kruger
Southern Tchagra Seen at Buchu Bush Camp and De Hoop
Orange-breasted Bush-Shrike Single bird in Kruger
Bokmakierie Seen on 5 dates, max 8 near Kommetjie Lighthouse
Southern white-crowned Shrike 4 in Kruger with 4 on 22nd 1 on 23rd
Brubru Daily sightings in Kruger
Black-backed Puffback Seen daily in Kruger
Cape Glossy Starling regular in Kruger
Greater Blue-eared Starling Seen only in Kruger
Burchell`s Starling Fairly common in Kruger
Pale-winged Starling 6 at Karooport
Red winged Starling Common around Cape Town
Common Starling Regular sightings
Wattled Starling A flock of 60 at Komatipoort
African Pied Starling 30 along Darling Wildflower Route, 20 en route to De Hoop
Red-billed Oxpecker Seen daily in Kruger
Cape Sugarbird At Kirstenbosch, Cape of Good Hope and De Hoop
Malachite Sunbird Regular around the Cape
Greater Double-collared Sunbird Single at Grootvadersbosch
Southern Double-collared Sunbird Common in the Cape Town area
White-bellied Sunbird Fairly common in Kruger
Marico Sunbird Small numbers in Kruger
House Sparrow regular sightings
Cape Sparrow Common around Western Cape
Yellow-throated Petronia Singles in Kruger
Southern Grey-headed Sparrow Common in Kruger
Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver Just 1 on our final day in Kruger
Village Weaver 2 in Kruger
Southern-masked Weaver 1 at Strandfontaine
Lesser-masked Weaver Common in Kruger, particularly around the restaurant area at Lower Sabie
Cape Weaver Seen on 4 dates with several roadside colonies along the Darling Wildflower Route
Southern-red Bishop Seen on 4 dates max 100+ along Darling Wildflower Route
Yellow Bishop Not as numerous as Southern but regular
Fan-tailed Widowbird Seen in Kruger on 2 dates
Jameson`s Firefinch 4 Kruger on 20th 6 on 23rd
Red-billed Firefinch Single in Kruger
Common Waxbill Seen on 4 dates with max 10 on 14th
Blue Waxbill Common in Kruger
Green-winged Pytillia Several sightings in Kruger
Bronze Mannikin 5 birds in Bucklers Africa
Yellow Canary 5 Karooport 2 on 17th
Yellow-fronted Canary 10 at Kruger
Forest Canary 5 Kirstenbosch
Cape Siskin up to 15 birds at Rooi Els
Cape Canary Fairly common around the Cape
Common Chaffinch 3 at Kirstenbosch
White-throated Canary 2 at Karooport 4 at De Hoop
Black-headed Canary 5 Karooport
Golden-breasted Bunting A few in Kruger
Cape Bunting Good numbers in Karooport
Lark-like Bunting 6 at Karooport
Bryde`s Whale Good views on the way out of False Bay
Humpback Whale Excellent views of several animals around the Cape Lighthouse
Southern Right Whale Superb views along the coast at several locations from Hermanus to Cape Agulhas often seen just off shore in the surf. Also seen off the pelagic.
Common Dolphin prob Long Beaked Few seen during Pelagic.
Cape Fur Seal Great views during pelagic
Chacma Baboon Several troops in Kruger also seen at the Cape of Good Hope.
Vervet Monkey Fairly common in Kruger.
Black-backed Jackal Excellent views at a Lion kill in Kruger.
Wild Dog A group of 12 animals resting within feet of our vehicle in Kruger will live long in the memory for a long time. Brilliant!
Yellow Mongoose Several sightings in farmland around the Cape with 2 on the Darling Wildflower Route and 2 near De Hoop.
Small (cape) Grey Mongoose 2 Along Darling Wildflower Route.
Spotted Hyena Great views in Kruger.
Lion We managed 2 sightings whilst in Kruger. Several Lions guarding a kill (Giraffe) surrounded by a whole host of Vultures, Jackals and Hyenas, also a roadside group early one morning just after entering the park.
Cheetah Following a tip off and despite the scrum of vehicles we eventually had superb views of a pair sat under a tree during the heat of day.
Cape Rock Hyrax 1 at Boulders and 5 at Betty`s bay and a few at Yzerfontaine.
African Elephant Common in Kruger with a few hairy moments when a few Bulls got a little too close to our vehicle.
Cape Mountain Zebra Distant views of 5 animals on the far side of the Viel at De Hoop.
Burchell`s Zebra Common in Kruger.
White Rhinoceros Quite a few close range encounters in Kruger.
Hippopotamus Plenty of sightings in Kruger.
Common Warthog Regular sightings in Kruger.
Giraffe Lots of close range views in Kruger.
African Buffalo Max count of 50 in Kruger.
Greater Kudu Regular in Kruger.
Eland Single animal on the Cape of Good Hope.
Steinbuck Several seen in Kruger.
Klipspringer An animal appeared on rocks as we watched a group of Wild Dogs.
Waterbuck Several in Kruger.
Springbok Good views in the Eiercop area.
Impala Very common in Kruger.
Bontebok 1 on Darling Wildflower Route and 7 at De Hoop.
Wildebeast Good views in Kruger.
Eastern Grey Squirrel 1 on the 15th
Nile Crocodile Common in Kruger.
A massive thanks to Alex for taking the nightly log and for this draft.